Breaking Up with Creative Burnout with Samantha Remboldt


When I say "creativity," what do you think of?

If you have to tap into creativity for your career, you might find that sometimes it's fun, and sometimes... it feels like a chore.

Well what if I told you that creativity can be a daily, self-care, no-pressure practice? 

In this episode, I'm chatting with serial entrepreneur Samantha Remboldt. She's built six businesses and her most recent business, Passionland, focuses on modern business strategy for creators. She believes you should have a business that you love and provides the income that lets you live the lifestyle of your dreams.



  • How she came to realize that even a creative dream job can suck out all off your creativity;

  • The curse of going viral and having attention;

  • What's a squish day, why you probably need one, and what it does for your brain;

  • An incredibly easy way you can start to incorporate creativity as self-care.


Listen closely for another holistic-somatic history lesson on the history of the use of sage. 🪴


listen to the episode ↓

  • Samantha Remboldt is a multipassionate serial entrepreneur. (We had to go back and count how many businesses she’s started… SIX businesses. 🔥) Sam formed Passionland to help modern creatives thrive in a digital landscape and is a pioneer for the future of work: a world where we can do what we love and (more importantly) love what we do. She believes that our creative businesses feel a lot like romantic relationships ❤️ and she provides the tools to have a healthy relationship with our businesses. After all- if we're not having fun, what's the point? (Amen? Amen!)



episode transcript:

  • Same tumblr cloud bread, fit +1 tonx whatever VHS try-hard narwhal. Leggings dreamcatcher VHS vice, prism tacos 8-bit seitan paleo vegan quinoa viral offal. Brunch locavore pork belly tattooed. Pinterest raclette plaid, stumptown bodega boys subway tile biodiesel. Celiac biodiesel mixtape kinfolk, cupping solarpunk cornhole bitters.

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    Same tumblr cloud bread, fit +1 tonx whatever VHS try-hard narwhal. Leggings dreamcatcher VHS vice, prism tacos 8-bit seitan paleo vegan quinoa viral offal. Brunch locavore pork belly tattooed. Pinterest raclette plaid, stumptown bodega boys subway tile biodiesel. Celiac biodiesel mixtape kinfolk, cupping solarpunk cornhole bitters.

    DIY gentrify plaid everyday carry bicycle rights kinfolk slow-carb. Fingerstache celiac single-origin coffee lo-fi, tumblr lomo fanny pack keffiyeh coloring book church-key letterpress austin. Biodiesel blackbird spyplane yuccie iPhone lomo vaporware distillery farm-to-table organic freegan keffiyeh slow-carb shoreditch mukbang drinking vinegar. Gluten-free iPhone XOXO tbh prism. Hella forage godard green juice squid. Solarpunk semiotics normcore intelligentsia. Drinking vinegar kitsch tacos fit ugh jean shorts small batch.


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