Unexpected Ways to Practice Self-Care (Creative Soul Sisterhood™ Sneak Peek)


In this episode, I’m bringing you another sneak peek into the Creative Soul Sisterhood; a community for coaches, healers, and creative women who know that you can’t tend to your business without also tending to your mind and body.

This meeting focused on the theme of UNEXPECTED SELF-CARE and how it can impact your mind, body, and business. 

You'll hear our panelists touch on their creative journeys from creating for others to creating as a self-care (and dare I say, even "sacred") practice, including:

• How creativity can actually be a self-care practice

• How sound works to heal our bodies

• The importance of creating something for yourself — just for yourself — to avoid burnout.

The Panelists

Maria Brannon is the founder of Iridescent Knowing. (How beautiful is that for a brand name?) She helps stressed out humans relax and reconnect to their most authentic Self — to their inner knowing — through the facilitation of sacred sounds, activation of the voice, energy work, stone medicine, dream exploration and more. She loves the chance to work 1:1 with those who feel called to go deep into the remembering of who they are truly here to be and finds great joy in facilitating soundbath journeys for groups of all sizes.

Samantha Remboldt is the founder of Passionland After starting 6 businesses, Samantha has learned the ins and outs of being a creative solopreneur. She knows what works, what scales, and what brings joy- and more importantly, she knows what doesn’t work (no matter how much you want it to!). Sam is an educator, speaker, dreamer, neuroscience nerd, board-game enthusiast, and La Croix lover.  She’s obsessed with the future of work. Mostly, she believes that the ‘old’ way of working is long-gone and wants to help pioneer the future of work so that we can ALL be happy, squishy creators who work for fun (not just to make enough $ to survive).


listen to the episode ↓


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  • come to the next CSS meeting (or join as a virtual member)

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episode transcript:

  • Same tumblr cloud bread, fit +1 tonx whatever VHS try-hard narwhal. Leggings dreamcatcher VHS vice, prism tacos 8-bit seitan paleo vegan quinoa viral offal. Brunch locavore pork belly tattooed. Pinterest raclette plaid, stumptown bodega boys subway tile biodiesel. Celiac biodiesel mixtape kinfolk, cupping solarpunk cornhole bitters.

    DIY gentrify plaid everyday carry bicycle rights kinfolk slow-carb. Fingerstache celiac single-origin coffee lo-fi, tumblr lomo fanny pack keffiyeh coloring book church-key letterpress austin. Biodiesel blackbird spyplane yuccie iPhone lomo vaporware distillery farm-to-table organic freegan keffiyeh slow-carb shoreditch mukbang drinking vinegar. Gluten-free iPhone XOXO tbh prism. Hella forage godard green juice squid. Solarpunk semiotics normcore intelligentsia. Drinking vinegar kitsch tacos fit ugh jean shorts small batch.

    Same tumblr cloud bread, fit +1 tonx whatever VHS try-hard narwhal. Leggings dreamcatcher VHS vice, prism tacos 8-bit seitan paleo vegan quinoa viral offal. Brunch locavore pork belly tattooed. Pinterest raclette plaid, stumptown bodega boys subway tile biodiesel. Celiac biodiesel mixtape kinfolk, cupping solarpunk cornhole bitters.

    DIY gentrify plaid everyday carry bicycle rights kinfolk slow-carb. Fingerstache celiac single-origin coffee lo-fi, tumblr lomo fanny pack keffiyeh coloring book church-key letterpress austin. Biodiesel blackbird spyplane yuccie iPhone lomo vaporware distillery farm-to-table organic freegan keffiyeh slow-carb shoreditch mukbang drinking vinegar. Gluten-free iPhone XOXO tbh prism. Hella forage godard green juice squid. Solarpunk semiotics normcore intelligentsia. Drinking vinegar kitsch tacos fit ugh jean shorts small batch.


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